Read this on a blog early yesterday and didn't get a chance to post. Still relevant though, hope you all had great gal-entines. Love each of you.
Today is a celebration of LOVE. For our boyfriends. Our moms. Our dads. Our brothers. Our sisters. Our friends old. Our friends new. Our jobs. Our dreams. Our homes. Our successes. Our self-realizations. The light at the end of all our roads. A celebration of life. So rather than rush last second to the corner shop and buying a cheesy 99 cent Valentine's Day card and some chocolates and roses that you've contemplated the color of with the sales person for over an hour, why not go face to face with the people you love right now and say it right then and there. That you love them. And then let them know why. And think about all the things you take for granted each day and set them aside in your mind for a bit to think about why they are so much more meaningful now than how they felt just yesterday. Better later than never to realize and acknowledge all those people and things that we LOVE from the bottom of our hearts, and to never let go of that love because it is what will keep driving us forward. And in the end, love is all we've got. And because of that, it's all that matters. So open up your hearts today people, and let the love in and let it out. Happy Valentine's Day!!
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